Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Up till now, i haven't been really excited about the fact that i'm 20. Everytime i think about it, all i can think of is the word "old" in my head. If i were to say that out in public, i would be grateful if people don't come and starts preaching, or worse still, throw whatever's in their hand on me. Hahahaha. Anyway, let's talk about happier stuff. Met up with 2 of my favourites - Meow and Nazi - on Monday. Went to Great World to sort of celebrate my birthday, but also like an excuse to get-together, haha. Had tea session at Coffee Bean and during which, the 2 of them got a cookie as my birthday cake. Hahahahaha. Ain't that sweet? I don't know why but i'm exceptionally hungry that day. I gobbled up my cake within minutes, and the same goes for the cookie. Shopped around that mall for my little cousin's birthday present and surprisingly, kids stuff at Zara are kind of cheap. And i can fit into their biggest size! If i were shameless enough, i would just start buying my clothes there. Hahahahaha. Just kidding!! Anyway, got him this pullover and he absolutely love it when i pass it to him that night. He put it on immediately and keep touching it like it's some kind of emperor's gift! Hahaha. Very cute. So after shopping around Great World, we head to Holland V cause i got this electronic shop voucher from the poly clique as part of my birthday gift and, alongside the cash i receive from my brother and his girlfriend, i went and gotten myself a mp3 player! So a big thank to those who contributed to this gift! I'm really really happy and grateful. Plus, i had a great time with the friends as usual. And on Tuesday, i was actually grounded by my parents, cause i've been going out every single day ever since exams' over. But it came at a perfect time though, cause i don't really have a plan on tuesday. Hahaha. So i did something meaningful with the time by indulging in one of my all time favourite pasttime - reading! It's Out of My Depth by probably one of the best author in my opinion, Emily Barr. I adore all her books and this book, like the others, was so captivating and intriguing that once i flipped on the first page, i couldn''t stop. I can't emphasize how good it is, but it's REALLY REALLY good. I spent most of the waking hours reading the book and i, surprisingly, finished half of it on the first day. Yeah, that's how i spent my entire day. Devoted to just one book. But i kinda like days like this, where i find myself a comfortable position on the sofa, make myself a cup of Lipton tea with honey and just read. And it actually makes me happy, i wonder why. And today, met Yas and Nazi in the afternoon for some junk food at Mac. You might notice that i seldom mention the word "morning", cause by the time i woke up each day, it's already noon. So after packing on some unnecessary pounds, i carried on with the book. Yes, i'm that excited about it. And i finished it in one shot! This kinda puts me off in a way that she has only written that amount of books and i basically read all of them from the library. And it's tough to find an author whose style really fits your reading habit. But well, i'm still satisfied from the fact that it's another great book, as geeky as i may sound. Anyway, some random photos and i'm off the hit the sack! This is the wallet my favourites got me. Well, actually, i chose it and they pay for it. For 2 years in a row, we've started this trend in which the birthday boy/girl will tell the others what he/she wants and the rest will pay the money. Hahahaha. May be weird but that's how we function. And of course, the plus side to this is, we'll LOVE the present. Hahahaha.
I'm THAT hungry.

I like candid shots. Nice one, i mean. Where the expression are real, instead of staged.

And come overdued chinese new year pictures.
My lovely cousin.


-Ys- said...

Wah.. some rich friends you have.. I want a Zen too!! Hah

Ernest said...

No la, hahahahaha. They won the voucher when we did a marketing project, which is also a competition. They gave it to me knowing that i want an mp3 player. But that is really really sweet of them though. Hahaha. And it's quite cheap!! 130 for 2GB!