Sunday, March 16, 2008

Everything still seems so surreal to me. About 3 hours ago, not only was i attending Colbie Caillat's private showcase, Cousin and I actually won meet-and-greet passes to meet her after everything. Holy. Crap. I need to scream, but it's not me to yell. Hahahaha! I FUCKING MET COLBIE CAILLAT! So it all started when cousin and i knew that Colbie Caillat is coming to Singapore to perform, and for last week, we called in to 987fm as many times as we could but we never win. This monday, just woke up, turned on the radio and they're about to giveaway tickets. Keyed the number in both my elder brother's phone as well as mine and asked him to call during the cue. He dialled before the deejay even said we could call, was about to tell him that he called too early when he told me the line has gotten through. Hahahahahahahaha. And i freaking sang the most out of tune rendition of "Realize" ever, on air! Was scared shitless, but i did apologize for my vocals ability on air. Hahahahaha. So i won, and it happens to be cousin's birthday as well. It's the perfect gift! So since we already made the deal, of course i'm bringing my beloved cousin there! Was praying so hard that no one heard it but who knew, the first thing my younger brother asked when he came home from school was "Did you just went on radio?". Hahahaha. But it's okay, cause i'm going to Colbie's showcase!! Fast forward to today. Met cousin at Plaza Sing around 5, bought calamari and fried chicken and off we went to Timbre @ The Arts House, super cool place by the way. Time check, too early. So we went to Asian Civilization Museum's lobby area for a drink and chit-chat. Time really flies and before long, we're standing in line to enter the place. Some crap happens (screw the people there) and though we are the first few to enter, we ended up getting crappy seat, but good enough to see the stage. Again, some shitty people decide to throw their upbringing aside and blocked other people's view by standing along the aisle. It's a SEATED showcase, mind you. But it's okay, we civilized people don't do that, hahaha. So before the show started, The Muttons was giving away 5 meet-and-greet passes. They almost entirely picked people from the front to answer the questions but at question 3 or 4, they came to the back, right in front of cousin and i, and asked the question about Colbie Caillat's middle name. Thank god. I just read it on Wikipedia a couple of days ago! Best thing is, no one knew the answer, except me! I presume, since no hands were up. So cousin and i raised our hand, and they picked her. Told her the answer and she won!! Initially, only cousin was entitled for the pass, and i was kinda pissed cause everyone went there in pairs but they only give one! Hahahahaha. Then the showcase started. Absolutely surreal. You can't believe the someone you hear on the radio everyday and saw her video on MTV is actually just a few feet away from you. And it's acoustic - fucking fantastic! It's all about the vocals baby. And boy, she sings almost entirely like the album's version. She's REALLY REALLY good live. Definitely an unforgettable experience, and the ultimate ear pampering session. She has got that soothe in her voice, and everything is just so laid back, same as her personality when we met her later on. AHHH! I still can't believe that i went to her showcase. It's a very short one, and lasted only about less than an hour or so. But it's definitely worth it. Didn't take a lot of pictures cause they banned it after 15 minutes, hahaha. Then cousin was asked to the front of the stage when i make my way to the exit. Of course, i asked cousin to question whether she can bring me along. Was out for less than a minute and she called, saying that winner can bring one person along! Ultra-exciting! Hahahahaha. It's like living in your dream, seriously. So we queued, met some kids who thinks they are formidable just because they speak fake american accent, and tried to smuggle their friends in. The person-in-charge questioned how come there are so many people, and they even have the cheek to ask me and cousin whether did we win the passes or not. It's like, are you seriously kidding me? Hahahahaha. So turns out that their friends aren't allow to go. Then the time came!! Colbie Caillat, and i, in the same tiny room! Of course, with 5 other people and 2 of her bandmates. Shook her hand, signed the album, and took one group shot. Only group shot was allowed, sadly, and of course their cameras were used. Those "socialite" talked as though they're friends with Colbie Caillat and even thank her for coming down to Singapore bla bla bla. But they sure can talk their butt off! Cousin and i were contented enough to get her autograph and picture. I still can't believe it actually. Hahahahahaha. It's like living in this bubble of dream for 5 minutes and you're back to earth. Hahahaha. We then had Hokkaiddo ice cream, even though we hated it but that's the only shop that sells green tea ice cream at that hour. Then went to Bangkit for Zhi Char, have some heart-to-heart talk with cousin and it's off for home sweet home. Cousin is one of the person whom i can really talk to, and i'm really thankful for that. Actually, i'm thankful for a lot of stuffs. Perfect example? TODAY!! It's a very very memorable experience and i'm really lucky. Very very grateful. Took tons of pictures with cousin but using her camera, so only has limited amount of pictures now as i only have those on mine. And she's so funny! She bought those instant camera cause she scared her digicam runs out of battery, and we were playing with this old school camera on our way home. Super funny. And we acted like some tourist. Love the cousin, and it's a great great day!!

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