Thursday, March 20, 2008

I desperately needs a job. Right now. People are supposed to enjoy holidays and vacations but not me. I seem to have a love-hate relationship with regards to it. You see, i like to occupy my mind with something and having a long holiday doesn't really achieve that, does it? Once every blue moon, i would love to have time to myself and just coup up at home doing absolutely nothing but other than that, i like to keep my mind or hands working. I may complain, and i REALLY do complain a lot, but at least i'm not spunning web in my brain. It's really hard to pen it down actually. Holidays are great, don't get me wrong. But i've almost exhausted all the possible place i can go to. Seriously. I've been treating myself like a tourist ever since the last paper. Shopping, Zoo, Museums, Exhibitions, Underwater World and even Showcase, been there and done that. But the thing is, as much as i want to work, i can only starts in april. So now, i probably got another 2 more weeks to waste on i don't even know what. I ought to be upgrading myself by reading more on Business and Economy crap but after 3 years of it, i don't really have any ounce of motivation in me to touch any of those stuff. But reading's fun though. Just finished Ellen DeGeneres' book, The Funny Thing Is..., and it's not bad. I love her, and she's really funny. Anyhow, while i was counting sheep in bed last night, i suddenly got this urge to talk about role models in my life. Don't know how it came to the mind, but it just did. Everyone has role model in their life, it can be one or it can be many. In real life, i would think that every single person whom i've come into contact with are people whom i can learn from. I tend to believe that everyday is a learning experience, and i really do learn a lot from all, good and bad. Because it's the good that makes me want to achieve and the bad that reminds me to abstain. Of course there are a few specific people who exert more influence on me but i'm not gonna go there in case it gets a tad too personal. Haha. But i want to talk about people we see on TV, afterall, media plays a HUGE role in this era we're living in. We are constantly exposed to the media and are influenced by them one way or another. Personally, i have 3 TV personality that i consider a HUGE role model to me. First and foremost, it is Oprah Winfrey. I don't even have to think to type down her name. People who doesn't know who Oprah is, well, where have you been hiding all these while?!?! This is a woman with heart (not scientifically of course, in case people tries to think they're funny), compassion, wisdom, motivation, drive and beauty inside out. Her talkshow is probably one of the few show that never fails to get me teary eyes on certain occassions. And it's also through her show that makes me want to accomplish so much - be it for myself, the family, the friends, the economy or even the environment. If everyone has a little Oprah spirit in them, just a teeny weeny bit of it, the world would be so much better. My second role model would be Ellen DeGeneres. The fact that she's making people laugh everyday alone is enough to make her a role model. That's a VERY VERY difficult thing to do, as simple as it may seems. And i like that she's not judgemental, she funny, she loves animal, she cares for the environment and she making use of her fame in doing something good. She's involved in so many charitable acts that i've lost count of it. Last but not least, how can i leave out Kellie Pickler. If the friends were to have the stamina to read till here, they would be probably rolling their eyes. But i'm serious, not just because i'm falling head over heels over her beauty, which is a fact though. Hahaha. But honestly, Kellie Pickler is someone who've come from such horrible life that no one would ever wants to go through but all those setbacks never keeps her from doing what she feel is right and pursuing her dream. And i like how she say to surround ourselves with positive people. These are the people whom i look up to and i just hope that i'm able to learn as much as i can from them. All of them just makes me want to be so much a better person. I think it's kinda easy at the initial stage, since i'm not much of a "good" person to start with. Hahahahahahaha. I'm just kidding. I may not be a perfect person, and never will be, but i'm learning to be the best that i can be. And i love the fact that i'm learning. Over the years, i've find myself wanting to stop/prevent so many things that i would probably shock myself in the past. Our society has so many pressing issues yet everytime i turn on the news lately, all i can see is the Taiwanese Election with two people constantly bickering over issues that makes me want to throw the romote on the teevee. And i tell you, those Taiwan News can come on almost every few hours and my dad LOVES watching it. I wish i miraculously have a lot of money so i can buy him and mom tickets to Taiwan so that they can join in the support of Ma Ying Jiu. I have lots more comments on that but i'll keep it to myself lest i find myself a jailbird after whatever i said. Hahahaha. Then i'll start singing "Blackbird" by the Beatles, hoping to break free. I know, not funny. But that thought just somehow pops into my head, again. Back to the topic on things i want to cease or reduced. I don't know why, but i just hope for so many things that i get frustrated at myself at times. I want to reduce global warming, i want there to be no more wars, i want to stop discrimination, i want to eliminate poverty and most importantly, i wish i have the drive in me to want to accomplish all those, and that's what frustrates me at times. I know it'll probably never happen but i believe in starting everything from myself. If we start small, we might actually be doing the world a great deal. For example, if we can stop judging people based on how they look, smell or whatever shit you're basing on, cases of people getting hurt or even killed due to discrimination would not exist. Or if the world decide to stop wearing fur, which i still can't understand why they want to, less animal would become extinct. If one person stops eating shark's fin from now on, he/she might be doing one shark a favor for every 2 opportunity that he/she gets to eat it. Imagine in a wedding, with 200 people. If everyone there opted not to have shark's fin in their menu, 100 sharks could be saved. Plus, shark's fin don't even taste like anything. But i know i have no right to preach, unless i'm able to achieve all that, which will make me an angel, i'll tell you that. Hahaha. I've barely started, but i know that i'm on the right track. Start small. You'll never know how much you're actually contributing.

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