Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Met my favourite people yesterday after so long, and i miss them terribly. It's always great to see them and just talk to them. Anyway, Nazi told me, possibly, one of the funniest yet lamest joke EVER! Here's how the conversation goes,
Nazi : Do you know who Bjork is? ( She pronounces it as Bee Jork)
Me : I know. But it's pronounced as Byork. Anyway, ya, i know her. She's weird and her music is creepy.
Nazi: Ya. Do you know what she had for breakfast?
Me: What?
Nazi: Lunch
HAHAHAHAHA! I'm not sure if people really gets the joke but i think it's hilarious yet lame, all at the same time. I was trying so hard to contain my laughter cause we were in the library and of course, i had to resist giving her a punch. But this is definitely the best joke she's EVER told me. Trust me, the others are really really boring. Anyway, i'm not sure why it's so funny, but it is. Oh god. I'm still laughing now. I think it's because she tricked me into really guessing what would Bjork, someone so weird, have for breakfast. And i was really anticipating something quirky like Bull's testicle of something thereof but i was really caught off guard by her answer. I guess that's where the punch of the joke lies.

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