Sunday, March 2, 2008

First of all, happy birthday to me!! Hahahaha. Yay! I'm 18!!! Shush people, i'm not in denial. Nope, i'm absolutely sure i'm 18. Hahahaha, alright, enough crap. I admit old! Today is the day i offcially step into the 20 club, and it's not worth mentioning anyway. Before i start my rambling about how depress i am to be 20, let's start off by sending a HUGE HUMONGOUS THANK YOU to all the friends!! Thank you so much for the well wishes (though i hope you guys could maybe patronize me a little by wishing me a happy 18th birthday instead of my actual age but still, thank you) and everyone made me the happiest living creature for the day. I'm utterly blessed and honored to have each and everyone who's currently in my life and i can't ask for more. I am thankful to have such wonderful people around and honestly, they are the rockstars of my life. Once again, thank you thank you and thank you. For the smses, gifts, and simply the presences, i thank all of you. Had early celebration last night with the family cause my brother has got duty today. So my family, alongside my favourite grandma, uncle and aunt's family, went for a very simple dinner which i enjoyed a lot. It's a simple affair but it really means a lot to me. And today, which is the big day, i've got one of my favourite to celebrate with me - Miss Diana Barretto Sy! So my dear friend brought me out for lunch at Cedele, located at Raffles City Shopping Centre. I've been wanting to try it for quite some time and i finally did today. Reason being? There's no transfat! Hahahahaha. We had smoked salmon sandwich, beef-something-sandwich, chocolate walnut cheesecake and apple nut cheesecake. Well, smoked salmon has got to be one of the worst food i've tasted in a while! Hahahaha, thanks to me for trusting the reviews instead of my intuition! Thankfully, Diana was nice enough to trade half of her beef sandwich for mine, even though she don't eat salmon! Touched. The cheescakes though, were absolutely heavenly! I love the apple nut cheesecake because it's so moist and not so cheesy, which suits my taste bud perfectly! It's absolutely scrumptious! Of course, we took tons of pictures.
The reason why we chose the drink we had? It has the function of DETOX!!

This was taken when i haven't tasted that disgustinly nauseating SALMON! I hate that fish.

Then, after lunch, we shopped around the mall before heading to the place i've been wanting to go for a long long time - The National Museum of Singapore!!!!!!! I've been dying to go for the Greek Masterpieces Exhibition but just couldn't find a perfect time to go but since it's my birthday, of course we went! Below is a picture of diana and herself in the huge screen.

Excited about what we're going to withness!!
Oh yes, we found ourselves partners in, giants?! That's my beau. See, i can only kiss her nose. This is true love okay! See how she's looking at me affectionately and i'm holding her chin tenderly. Hahahahaha! Oh wait, is she flirting with that guy behind me when i'm trying to kiss her? Son of a gun! Hahahahaha. Okay, enough crapping.

This (below) has got to be one of my favourite picture of the day! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That's the sculpture of Diana, the Warrior Princess.
Anyway, the moment we stepped into the exhibition hall, what we see is simply breath-taking. Everything there are so magnificent, so majestic, so breautifully sculpted and carved and they are all so precise. I'm not sure if it's allowed to post the pictures but here it goes. I love how the fact that all these are histories right in front of us, from the mythical Greek! I was literally in awe during the entire stay there.
One of my favourite.

Look at how detailed everything is! And they are all sculpted from tools thousands of years ago!!! Those artist are simply genius!

My favourite! Look at how she's like staring directly at you. And it looks like a living person, in white of course.
Then it's some photo-taking again before the battery dies out on me.

Thanks again diana for the lovely day!! I LOVE IT!!! After everything, i went over to grandma's place where she cooks mee sua for me. It's like an annual thing, where she'll cook that for me on my birthday. And i always insist on eating that, and only that, for dinner on my birthday. It's not the best tasting one, but it's one that is cooked with love. Hahahaha.

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