Friday, October 26, 2007

If taking drugs can supposedly make a person happy, i think i took a whole bottle of it yesterday. Reason being, i finally get to meet all the 3 friends yesterday! After what seems like eternity, haha. Anyway, Nazi invited us over to her place for HariRaya visiting, like we did for the past couple of years. Back in the days, when the schedule were more flexible for the 4 of us, we used to hang out a lot at Nazi's place. It's like our chill-out place where we would just relax in each other's company. Though it's not occuring as much as we would like it to, i'm thankful that at least we managed somehow. Reached Nazi's place around 5 with Meow while Yas reached around 6, immediately after her work. It's so so so good to see all of them again and you have no idea how much i've miss hanging out with the whole gang. A lot of words were exchanged, obviously, since we have been deprived of each other for a long time. Shared some stories, ate home-made snacks, watch some tv, read some magazines and played some poker with paper money made by Nazi since it's against their religion to gamble. It's overdosage of happy pills, i tell you. And Nazi's adorable Mom whipped my favourite Mee Goreng (!!!!) and a side dish for us as dinner. The Mee Goreng is the best i've tasted and i always can't help but take more than one serving, hehehe. Left the place around 8 plus with a satisfied ( cum bloated ) tummy and a over the moon mood. I just love the friends! Of course, a rare occassion like this call for some camwhoring session!
The mouth-watering festive snacks made by Nazi and family. My favourite is the butter cookies!

Our addictive dinner!

Wonderful host of the night and Me!

Meow and I

Bringing back the 80's!

Me and the boobies expert!

One last shot before we call it a day!

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