Thursday, October 11, 2007

Today's all about the food baby! Haha. I'm just kidding, i seriously need to stop having so much intake! Anyway, since today's the second last day of work, i decided to splurge a little during lunch and went to the "IN" place at Holland V right now - Cold Rock. This ice-cream parlor has been making news lately, be it the papers or tv (they're everywhere!), and thus we decided to give it a try. I ordered White Chocolate and Cheesecake flavoured ice cream and added Graham Crackers for the mixing. Seriously, paying $5.50 for a small scope of ice cream is really not worth the money at all, and it's not as if the ice cream are unique or something. I think they taste alright, Island Creamery's still better. Haha. But i still spent on it today because i want to know what's all the buzz about. And that's it. Haha! So after lunch hour, i got a message from Aunty Irene, from my attachment company, saying that she had gotten me muffins from Tanjong Pagar! My favourite muffins! When i met her and ZhaoYu (attachment friend) for dinner yesterday, i was telling her that i'm going to go down next week to buy the muffins cause i've been having the cravings for it for eternity now. Haha. And turns out that she went and get it for me, and even met me at Buono Vista train station after work! The queue at Chocolat N Spice is ridiculously long everyday, i must add, therefore it made me so touched. Okay, i must admit that i used to think that she's kinda too nice in a creepy way but after some time, she is simply a really giving lady. If she's going to be any more nicer, i might just call her godma, like how she had asked me to for a long time. Seriously, this is the BEST muffin i've ever eaten. They're fucking nice, i tell you that, even if i have to swear. They are so soft and fluffy and most importantly, not too sweet! And they're damn cheap, you can get them between a dollar to $1.20. I'm already salivating as i'm typing right now. Haha. I can still remember that one day during attachment, my and my colleague were eating the muffin on our way back to office when it rained. We ran back, got all drench and was eating at the recep counter when a big guest came. We quickly stuffed more than half of the muffin left into our mouth and ran back upstairs. So unglam but it's kinda funny to think about it now. Those were the times.

Oh ya, did i say that i've got a very funny friend. Dear Yas saw me getting on the same bus as her this morning and guess what she do? Before i answer that, i know friends would be saying that Yas and I stay in the same block so how come we're at different stop and that is because she went to interchange to take the bus while i went to the one opposite our block. Okay, i didn't saw her this morning cause i was too grumpy, like i always am in the morning. So halfway through the journey, i got Yas' message telling me that we're on the same bus. I was confused cause i didn't see her at the bus stop and asked why didn't she called me. She said she COUGHED to me. I was trying so hard to hold back my laughter at the bus. I mean, there are dozens of people i walked past everyday who're coughing or sneezing or even snoring. So how in this world would i notice A COUGH? Hahahaha. This is so cute la! We're totally acting out the "so near yet so far" scene. Haha! And lastly, i had a terrible dream last night. A total nightmare. I dreamt that Ms Tan from Fajar came to take my weight and she told me that i'm overweight! This is such a depressing dream and it's affecting me even in reality. I think this is a sign that i need to stop eating and start exercising! Hahaha. This is gonna be tough. A lot of willpower is needed for this, haha.

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