Tuesday, October 16, 2007

So yesterday we embarked on a brand new semester, as everyone know, and i don't think i should comment on anything just so soon cause it's just lecture for the first week. The actual "official" first day will commence next monday, and that is when the real impact of going back to school will settle in. Honestly, I log in with the initial thought of blogging about school and such but this seems to go nowhere. Oh yes, i need to talk about something. Yas has got the coolest attachment job in the world!! As in, if i were in her shoes, i would've felt so honoured though it is a very tiring chore. You see, she is now working at a hospital, something to do with cardiac yadayada (count me out if you're looking for scientific term. All i know right now is demand, supply, equilibrium and such nonsense. ), and she gets to do all sort of interesting tasks! First, she was posted to the Operation Department (correct me if i'm wrong. I don't have a good memory, haha) for a week and she actually get to observe real life operations, first hand! You know, with the scalpel and the disecting of body and the flesh and the organs!!! Freaking cool for her. I know i'm a crazy fanatic of Grey's Anatomy but i would've vomitted at such gruesome images. Also, she once experienced a patient dying on the surgical table and withness how the doctor and nurses attempts to resurrect the patient's life but to no avail. Being the person she is, Yas was actually really calm about it. This is why i'm not suitable for the medical field, i'm too damn highly emotional. Hahaha. And this couple of weeks, Yas get to do something really funny, which require her to ask the patient to take off their shirt. Hahahaha! Yas is now a boob expert with all the different boobies she has to see everyday and she's so used to it! She is now so accustomed to seeing private parts, which is hilarious because unlike her, i would find it very hard to contain myself from laughing hysterically. It's like, major cool-ness to be her right now though i'm really thankful that i chose business. Yas is my hero right now because i think she is too damn freaking cool!! And today, i was talking on the phone with her and she was telling me all the functions of the machine and such and throughout the conversation, all i could say was "uh-huh" because i simply have no idea what the heck she's talking about! But i know they're just cool. Hahahahahha! Oh wow, can you believe i'm actually gushing over Yas like she's my idol. Okay, i think i need to stop with this randomness whenever i blog lately. I just talk whatever that comes to my mind, though i've wanted to blog about Yas' attachment ever since i heard it from her. I need inspiration, real bad, if not my randomness will worsen and the next minute, i'll be talking about weather and farming.

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