Sunday, October 14, 2007

The world is slowly converging into a global marketplace, called globalisation, as what we've been taught. I know how all these activities are taking place around the globe everyday but it has never made me think more than a second until an apple falls on my head just now and a lightbulb flashes above me. Gobalisation - how true. I mean, language is becoming so universal without realization. One particular word has become such an essential that it is incorporated as part of our daily conversation, though i still don't really like to use it. "Fuck" is the word, don't you realize it? People must be getting smarter because this word is used at different occassion and somehow, people are able to distinguish the true meaning behind each "fuck"! Isn't it amazing? Tell me about it.
"I'm fucking pissed" and people know that you're angry and back off.
"I'm fucking hungry" and it tells everyone that you're starving.
"I need a fuck" and a prostitute will pop up in front of you like a genie.
"I'm fucked up" and immediately you need rehab.
"I'm fucking happy" and you signals happiness.
See! One word that suits all kind of occassion. How cool is that. Wouldn't it be good, if after a few years, that we're so accustomed to it to the extend that it can mean everything and at the same time, people understand what you're saying.
"You smell of fuck" and it's a compliment that you're nice-smelling.
"You are so damn fucked" and people understands that you're saying that they look good.
"This food is fuck" means delicious.
And many more.
How awesome will the world becomes. I seriously didn't know that such a simple word has such a profound meaning until today. It is so powerful it brings human-being closer to a whole new level. One love y'all!

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