Sunday, October 28, 2007

A Sunday signify the end of a week and also the day before a new week begin. I know both sounds the same but can't a guy try to add a tad of class in his blog? Hahahah, i'm just kidding. Anyway, today i met up with my babe, LEELIAN! This week had been a whirlwind of fun and laughter with so many of the friends and i just hope such week come by more often. Sucks that everyone have such vastly different schedule. But it's okay, cause distance just make the heart fonder. HAHAHAHA! Alright, back on the topic. So babe and i went to plaza to run some errand and did a hell lot of catching up. We spent quite some time in the library helping her search for books that can provide her with some inspiration for her project but the thing is, we have the worst library in town! Hahaha. You know, though i may gag from saying this but, life is never dull with LeeLian around. Her witty-ness, spunk, wacky-ness and SARCASM never fails to make me laugh like a hyena. I don't really know how hyenas laugh cause they're animals who make weird noises but i'm just making wild assumption. Somehow, when i'm with LeeLian, i tend to talk like a bimbo which makes her feel like punching me. I'm not blonde and neither am i a "she", let alone have big tatas. So up till now i still cannot figure out why. But it's whole loads of fun being around her. I simply love meeting up with the friends cause they inject the extra "oomph" for me to get through school and whatever crap. Anyway, i just realized that i've been spending a lot of time updating when i should be hitting up the books. I'm exceptionally lazy this semester, though it's barely only week 3. Hopefully the lazy hormones get flushed out of my system the next time i shit. I so don't want to flunk the last semester in school.

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