Monday, October 22, 2007

Don't you just hate it when you're sitting in a bus, and people starts giving you the disapproving look just because you don't give up your seat to them? I mean, if you're old and have mobility problem, fine! I'll gladly let you have my seat, without complains. But just because you're classified as "Aunty" doesn't mean that i have to let you have my seat. Those people looked perfectly normal and healthy, yet they like to give you that stare as though giving them our seat is the only right thing to do. Please, go have a mentality makeover. We, teens or young adults, don't necessary have to give up our seat just because you're older. It's basic courtesy to give up seats to elderly and pregnant women or women with toddler or people with special needs and that's it. Aunty does not belong to that category of people. There's a very big difference between "elderly" and "elder". So stop giving that annoying stare! Well, they can continue staring for all i care for i ain't letting them have my seat. I may come across like a total asshole but seriously, those particular people aren't THAT old and if they think they're tired, so are we. Just because we're younger doesn't mean that we're all pumped up like the energizer buny. These people just ruin the day. And seriously, the next time she stand next to someone, try to stand further away cause i can smell the breath which indirectly makes me feel like eating colgate during the entire bus journey.
On a side note, Carnival Ride is going to be released in a couple of day! I totally feel like singing the Pointer Sisters' classic right now. "I'm so excited! And i just can't hide it. I'm about to lose control and i think i like it!" I think that's about how the song goes, hahaha.


ZC Li said...

you can try pinch your nose to show her you cant stand her pungent smell. lol!

Ernest said...

Hahahaha! I can do that if i don't want to get hit by a fake branded bag! Haha.