Monday, October 8, 2007

Had a sudden impulse to bring the family out for breakfast so yesterday, i was up at 10, a rare feat during the weekends. The whole family (minus my younger brother cause he's having stayover at my aunt's) and grandma went for breakfast at Fajar yesterday morning. I know it's just coffee-shop food but i'm just working part-time and i don't have the capital to bring the family out for a feast yet, haha. It's good to see that grandma's smiling after all the crap she's been through lately. And i like how grandma would take my hand and place it on her's while using the other to stroke my hand. It makes me feel all kiddish again and it is during such times that i wish i could go back to being a child and be spoilt by gramp's love. Haha. But it's okay, it's my turn to shower her with all the love possible and i'll gladly take on this role.
In just a blink of the eyes, we bid farewell to Sunday and welcome Monday, unwillingly (applies mostly to working people and students). I don't know why, but ever since i started work here, Monday blues seem to hit me pretty heavy each week and i'll be as grumpy as an old man and tend to get tired really easily. Haha. I'll just keep dozing off at work and today, i nearly slammed my head on the CPU, which i'm thankful that i didn't.
You know, being a frequent bus taker, there are some kind of people which i can't stand. And i'm pretty sure most of us have such experience before. Particularly, i can't stand people who love sitting on the seat outside and not let anyone take the inner seat by either pretending to sleep or put their shopping bags there. Ridiculously rude and unreasonable when everyone is paying the same amount they do, for the distance travelled. I mean, what's wrong with sitting inside? Yeah, maybe you're getting off soon but even if you need to get off before the person on the outside did, you can politely say excuse me or something. I doubt anyone would just say "Oh, i have had a freaking huge ass and i can't move. So make your way out by climbing to the front seat." People would let you off! So what's with all the selfish act? Sometimes, i just wish i could muster the courage and sit on their lap and say "Opps, i need to get in since you're too darn lazy to move your lard ass". But you know i'll never do that. Hahaha. Also, another kind of annoying bus etiquette is those who tend to sit as though they have ginormous crotch. They'll open their leg wider than a right angle and think that we somehow have a magically tiny butt to squeeze into those remaining space. I think this kind of people shall be condemned from taking bus or maybe we can have special "selfish bus", where the seats are all placed individually and there's enough space for them to rest their gigantic golden crotch. Haha, i guess all will only occur in my dream. So now, it's back to reality and tomorrow, i'm back to squeezing buses. As quoted from LeeLian "I'm so excited i can't breathe".

1 comment:

Ting said...

lol! pls.. have an impulse n treat me for lunch or dinner! i dont mind even if is 5 in the morning! oh ya, did i told u? i'm free frm work! hooray! haha!!