Saturday, October 13, 2007


Yesterday's the day to splurge. Selamat Hari Raya, by the way. Got a call from HuiYing in the morning and we decided to go out and celebrate that work has ended for both of us. Met some time in the mid-afternoon and head off to town for late lunch at Swensen's and shopping around town. Finally, a fruitful trip after many unsuccessful attempts in getting something. After both of us gotten something we wanted, we then proceed to Harry's bar at Boat Quay for some drinks and light snack. We somehow talked about a lot of things yesterday, venturing into territories we never thought this friendship initially could. No, not relationship but about opening up ourselves. It's a good feeling, to be able to talk about everything under the sun to someone. Of course, we complained about our respective work, which is unavoidable since we've had a lot to vent on and get out of our system. Hahaha. Definitely a good time with the friend. And HuiYing is a little funny in her behavior after drinking. Two words - Amy Winehouse. I'm just kidding!!!! Reached home minutes before midnight and after cleaning up and stuff, it's time for quality time with the bed. I drift off into wonderland within minutes cause i'm simply too happy and tired after a whole day of activities. Enjoying yourselves sometimes come with a price, and goodbye to a hundred dollar. To some, it may not be a lot but to me it is, since i'm spending my own money. But it's alright, since i'm splurging on something worthwhile. I can't believe myself sometimes, cause i tend to ignore what i initially set out to do. Abstain from eating too much was what i mentioned in the previous post and there i am yesterday, munching on fried food or dishes with cheese and eggs and potatoes. FAT FAT FAT. I feel fat. It's a gross feeling, i'll tell you that. And did i say that i spoil my deodorant, and in the process spoil my mom's nail scissors? I'm such a dumbass at times. Okay, i'm getting ridiculous here.


ImpoSsIbLe said...

we shall go to harry's again..nxt tym is sit outside de leh..if nt i will high thn anyhw drink..opps..haha...but i still wan to drink..lalalala..thx anyway..=)

Ernest said...

Hahahaha! You're welcome. Yes, we shall go again soon! And if you drink more than 2 cups, don't go to the steps and talk again. I don't want you to fall into singapore river. I can't swim! hahaha.