Saturday, October 20, 2007

Yesterday, I’m in a mood to dress up for the activities ahead. Yes, I can be a vain pot at times. But I got to say that dressing up can be so tedious at times, cause I keep running to the toilet to adjust myself in front of the mirror. Firstly, it was meet up with the attachment people – Aunty Irene, Zhao Yu and Jerry – and Aunty Irene’s friend, Teo. We were treated to Billy Bomber for dinner and Party World for entertainment, courtesy of Aunty Irene. Ordered Surf & Turf as well as Vanilla Shake. Being the first time there ( Yes, call me a country bumpkin for all I care ) , I think the ambience was not bad. I love the American style interior design and especially the playing of old school music! Food wise, just okay. The beef is slightly too overcooked, making it very tough to chew on and the shake is too sweet for my likings.

After dinner, went to Party World for some singing session, excluding Aunty Irene and I. I’m not sure why Aunty Irene ain’t so keen in singing but my reason is that I don’t really want to make a fool out of myself. And I don’t particularly find it comforting to sing in front of people I barely know for a short period of time. Heck, I don’t even sing to Yas! So there I was, listening to all the songs I’ve never heard of in my life. One word – boring! But it’s okay. I understand that Aunty Irene keep organizing so many activities is to bring everyone closer and I totally respect that. I really had a great time out with them though I complain about certain things. Haha.

Bid farewell to them around 9 plus to meet the secondary school friends. But before that, I had a mission on hand. Yeah right, mission, hahahahha. Went to Starbucks to buy their Mango Cheesecake before heading down to Boat Quay to wait for HuiYing. She came a while after I reached and we lit a candle on the cake and make our way to Harry’s bar to give the birthday girl, Shandy, a small surprise. Well, she didn’t know that I was going and thought that I was the waiter cause I was the one carrying the cake. So the three of us (Huiying, Liyi and I) sang Happy Birthday, ate the cake and ordered some drinks. This is when things go totally wrong. Haha, just kidding. We were sitting by the river, with English Premiere League playing at the back, sipping some drinks and doing a lot of talking and what’s not. HuiYing and I, for reason unknown, decided to order a jug after our first cup since we thought it’ll be much cheaper that way that ordering one after another. And we decided to have a little competition by seeing who can finish half a cup first, like we did for the first. So we drank and within 5 minutes, my face starts turning red and hot. Same goes to Shandy and HuiYing. And our dear Liyi, being the logical drinker (bless your heart), stick to just one cocktail. Therefore, she’s the only one who’s awake while the three of us starts acting weirdly. We’re not drunk, but “consciously drunk” as what Shandy and I said. Or tipsy in simple. We’re such losers really, getting tipsy after just a few drinks. Hahahaha. But it’s plenty of fun. Oh my, I can’t describe what happened but everything becomes so funny for Shandy and I. We keep laughing and laughing about literally everything and it’s giving Liyi a headache cause she has to look after 3 crazy cuckoo-head. Everything just becomes so floaty and I wonder if I’m walking straight. It’s really not a good feeling to be standing up, I got to admit. So we stayed till 1 before cabbing home. Of course, the only sober one is the last to reach home. So sorry again Liyi! It’s so much fun I got to say. Happy Belated Birthday Shandy!
(My face is SOOO red i tell you. These are pictures from Shandy's phone. Rest is with HuiYing.)


ZC Li said...

your life is so interesting and your language is admirable! keep it updated, Ernest! =D everyday will read your blog!

Ernest said...

Hahaha, thanks! Well, my life is definitely not as interesting as yours! Thanks a lot, really. You blog really really well, seriously.